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The seems likes are not what they look like
Message by Reverend Doritha Henry, Song by Otis Redding – Sitting on the Dock of the Bay - performed by multiple artists
When I thought about writing this, I was reminded of the words in an Otis Redding song. The words were: "looks like nothing's gonna change. Everything still remains the same. I can't do what 10 people tell me to do, so I guess I'll remain the same." Is this where we are now? Seems like things have gotten worse the harder we try. Is this where we are now? Seems like nothing is gonna change. Seems like things have gotten worse the harder we try.
If we are going to take our rightful place we have got to bust out of what seems the seems like.
I realized there is no difference between “ it seems like” and “ it looks like”. But “seems like” can become “ looks like,” and eventually become “feels like” And it becomes something we have trouble breaking out of or bursting out of so we just remain the same.
Well, I thought about this, And “ seems” or “ seems like”, can be positive, or can be negative. Seems can hold us in or let us out. Like the seams of a garment, when it fits, it covers and holds us in. But when we outgrow it those same seams, burst and what's been held in breaks out. God is calling us to expand. We have to remember that it is not always as it seems. And to expand we have outgrown the “seem likes”, we have to break out of the “ seems”.
I'm reminded of Sarah: God told her she would bare a son. It seemed like this was impossible because she was old and well past the age of child baring. It seemed so ridiculous that she laughed. God was true to his word and at the age of 90 she bore Isaac and through him was birthed a nation. Things are not always as they seem but what God says they are.
Looking at the positive side of this thing. Is it really what it seems like, or is it what God says? Whose report Do you believe?
It seems like. Every time I turn around. God blesses me.
It seems like. When I'm down to my last dime. The Lord steps in right on time.
It seems like. Things in this world are getting so much worse, but the Lord says be of good cheer. He has overcome them all.
It seems like I'm never gonna get well, like I'm never going to feel like myself again. But God says. By the stripes of Jesus, you are healed. No matter what, No matter what it seems like, no matter what it feels like. No matter what you think and no matter how you feel about it. God has the last say.
It seems like, it seems like, it seems like. We have to remember that it is not always as it seems and it’s not what it seems like. Believe God, take him at his word and we can bust out of the “seems like” and take our rightful place in this world that God created for us.