Written as it came to me…
By Reverend Doritha Henry
I Can’t get away from this theme of Wisdom
God gave it to us to be used for his Kingdom.
What a gift, given with a purpose and a plan.
To give comfort, peace and joy throughout the land.
We see God through spiritual eyes.
Eyes that see what He alone has devised.
Holy and righteous are his ways that lead and guide us all our days.
Sometimes just a voice brings comfort.
Sometimes a touch will do, wisdom lets us know which one to use.
As I reflect on the year that has past, I look forward to the time we have left.
Time to be all that we can be and all He has called us to be. Time to stretch out on the wings God has given to reach the world with phone, zoom and internet.
Every now and then God tests our heart. He knows how much we can bare, but He challenges us to see if we are who we say we are. Sometimes the challenge takes us to our knees because that is just where we need to be.
God has trusted us with this season and time. We have become our parents who taught us oh so well and prepared us for the battle that was yet to come.
We are now becoming the pillars that hold the world and everything else up. We were born for such a time as this. We were born to be caregivers and repairers of the breach that was broken so long ago.
But above all remember, we are a work in progress, an unfinished work at that, and we are still on the Potter’s Wheel.